Expansion into Queens that started in March 2016 picks up steam for Green Audit USA
Jay Best, Green Audit USA’s founder and president, recently returned to school with a goal in mind. For a graduate of MIT (BS in Chemistry) and the New Jersey Institute of Technology (Masters, Chemical Engineering), returning to school seems overkill. But for Jay this was the next logical step in expanding the Green Audit footprint.
In March we received our licensing and insurance approval to

expand our coverage area into the Queens, a community not unlike Nassau and Suffolk in terms of demographics and residences. For many who have lived on Long Island their whole lives and have viewed Queens either as the home of New York Mets or an area you pass through on your way to Manhattan, the fact that many neighborhoods in Queens are similar to neighborhoods in Nassau and Suffolk is not considered.
Throughout Queens are families living in homes that face the same challenges of high utility costs and less than ideal energy efficiency. Understanding this, Jay had laid the ground work for the eventual expansion by Green Audit USA into the borough. One of the challenges that needed to be addressed is that while there are many single family homes there are also many two, three and four family homes as well. As the number of families that reside in a single structure increase, the ability to properly analyze the energy efficiency for all becomes more complex. For Green Audit USA to be successful in our Queens expansion, we needed to be able to address this challenge. This is what sent Jay back to school to earn his Multifamily Building Analyst Professional certification from the Building Performance Institute.

“When we made it a goal to enter the Queens community we were determined to serve as many homeowners and residents as possible,” said Jay. “Each resident deserves to be able to live and raise their families in a way that will preserve the world in the greenest way possible while preserving the green in their wallets and savings accounts as well!”
Green Audit USA has also recently joined the Queens Chamber of Commerce and participated in the recent Queens Business Expo at Citifield. With over 1,000 homeowners helped on Long Island since our inception in 2009, we are looking to bring the same commitment to helping homeowners throughout Queens to Be Green and Save Green!